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S01E12 1


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Previously on Desperate Housewives...

- These are nice people.
- My money says one of'em isn't.

- How creepy is Mrs. Huber's sister?
- Promises were made.

I'm going to find out
exactly what happened to her.

- Marriages came undone.
- We are starting a family.

We're not negotiating my uterus.

- Would you go out to dinner with me?
- Like a date?

- A date?
- And the truth...

- You burned her house down.
...was denied.

I absolutely did not
do that thing you accused me of.

Martha Huber waited her whole life
for something to happen to her,

something exciting.

As a child she hoped to be
kidnapped by a band of pirates.

As a tenager she dreamt of being
discovered by a Hollywood talent scout.

As a young woman she fantasized

a handsome millionaire
would swep her off her fet.

But the years had flown by
and still nothing exciting

had ever happened to Martha Huber.

Until the night she was murdered.

Hello, Mrs. Huber.
Let me give you a hand.

- That's really not necessary.
- I insist.

In those last moments it occurred
to her, in addition to being boring,

life could also be very cruel.

Luckily for Mrs. Huber,
death was far more merciful.

What do you think?

That's our missing woman all right.

Oh, jeez. Didn't take the media long
to get wind of this.

Make sure no one contaminates
my crime scene.

Hey, little lady. A lot of people
are looking for you. You know that?

Your face is gonna be on the front page
of every paper in this state.

How's that for exciting?

Officer Jackson couldn't be sure,
but for a brief moment,

he thought he saw the corpse
of Martha Huber smile.

Death had come once again
to Wisteria Lane.

I'm afraid I have
some bad news for you.

We found your sister's body.

Word of the tragedy would soon spread
throughout the neighborhood.

But for now people went about
their lives as they always did,

blissfully unaware.


- Hello? Anybody home?
- [Mike] In the kitchen.

Good news. I finished my book.

So I thought to celebrate
you could take me out to lunch.

- Susan.
- Can we do a rain check?

We're looking at the plans
for her house.

My insurance company's
cutting my check.

There's only one plumber I want.

Don't expect to see this guy for a few
months. I'm gonna be riding him hard.

Well, if anybody can go the distance,
he can. I should know.

See ya.


Mike, we're on the clock.

[Phone rings]

Hey, Felicia. What's up?


They found Martha.

Here, blow. Good.
All right, come on.

This is gonna be fun. Follow me.


boring [ˈbɔ:rɪŋ] n. 钻孔 adj. 无聊的;令人厌烦的 v. 钻孔;使厌烦;挖空(bore的ing形式) n. (Boring)人名;(英、瑞典)博林 {zk gk toefl gre :4124}

Hollywood ['hɔliwud] n. 好莱坞 { :4213}

cruel [kru:əl] adj. 残酷的,残忍的;使人痛苦的,让人受难的;无情的,严酷的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4471}

unaware [ˌʌnəˈweə(r)] adj. 不知道的,无意的;未察觉到的 adv. 意外地;不知不觉地 { :4984}

corpse [kɔ:ps] n. 尸体 {toefl ielts :5143}

housewives ['haʊswaɪvz] n. 家庭主妇(housewife的复数) { :5741}

undone [ʌnˈdʌn] v. 解开;消除(undo的过去分词) adj. 破灭的;未完成的;解开的 { :6417}

millionaire [ˌmɪljəˈneə(r)] n. 百万富翁;大富豪 adj. 100万以上人口的 {gk cet6 ky toefl :6769}

Martha ['mɑ:θә] n. 玛莎(女子名);马大(马利亚和拉撒路之姊) { :6788}

luckily ['lʌkɪlɪ] adv. 幸好,侥幸;幸运地 { :6875}

scout [skaʊt] n. 搜索,侦察;侦察员;侦察机 vt. 侦察;跟踪,监视;发现 vi. 侦察;巡视;嘲笑 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6892}

kidnapped [ ] v. 诱拐,绑架(kidnap过去时形式) { :6993}

pirates [ˈpaiərits] n. 海盗,盗印者(pirate复数) v. 盗印,掠夺,翻印(pirate的单三形式) { :7206}

contaminates [kənˈtæmineits] v. 把…弄脏,污染( contaminate的第三人称单数 ); 玷污,毒害,腐蚀(人的思想或品德) { :7402}

creepy [ˈkri:pi] adj. 诡异的;令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的 { :11324}

plumber [ˈplʌmə(r)] n. 水管工;堵漏人员 {ky toefl gre :11659}

fantasized [ˈfæntəˌsaɪzd] vt. 幻想;想像 vi. 幻想 { :11858}

uterus [ˈju:tərəs] n. [解剖] 子宫 { :12381}

jeez [dʒiːz] int. 呀 { :16981}

merciful [ˈmɜ:sɪfl] adj. 仁慈的;慈悲的;宽容的 {gk cet6 toefl :17622}

blissfully ['blɪsfəlɪ] adv. 幸福地;充满喜悦地 { :18755}

wisteria [wɪˈstɪəriə] n. 紫藤;柴藤 { :24567}

Huber [ ] [人名] 休伯; [地名] [美国] 休伯 { :37622}

felicia [fəˈlisiə] n. 费利西亚(女子名)

FET [ ] n. (Fet)人名;(俄、塞)费特 abbr. 远东时间(Far East Time);场效应晶体管(Field Effect Transistor);美国联邦货物税( Federal Excise Tax)

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

swep [ ] [化] 灭草灵

A band [ ] un. A波段;A带 [网络] 乐队;暗带;这一起人刚离开

a band of [ ] 一群,一伙,一队…

a rain check [ ] [网络] 留待天晴补看的票根;延期举行;下一次机会

addition to [əˈdiʃən tu:] [网络] 增加;增加如;补充

band of [ ] [网络] 战盟;汉克斯合作过

burn her [ ] [网络] 烧死她

Desperate Housewives [ ] [网络] 绝望的主妇;绝望主妇;疯狂主妇

front page [frʌnt peidʒ] n. (报纸的)头版 [网络] 首页;新半斤八两;头条

get wind [ɡet wind] na. 传播出去 [网络] 被人知道;泄露;被人知道泄露传播

get wind of [ɡet wind ɔv] na. 听见;听到…的风声 [网络] 风闻;得知;听到……的风声

go the distance [ɡəu ðə ˈdistəns] na. 坚持干到最后一次 [网络] 坚持到底;完成全部;自始至终坚持下来

going the distance [ ] [电影]远距离爱情; 爱情远着陆

I'm afraid [ ] [口语]恐怕,担心;大概;对不起[因为要说不受欢迎的话而用的客套语]

if anybody [ ] na. 如果有人的话 [网络] 若是有人的话

in addition [in əˈdiʃən] na. 加之 [网络] 另外;此外;又

in addition to [in əˈdiʃən tu:] na. 加之 [网络] 除…之外;除了;除…外

on the clock [ ] [网络] 工作;正在上班;看看时间

on the front [ ] [网络] 前线

out to lunch [aut tu: lʌntʃ] na. 〈侮辱,非正式〉神经病 [网络] 神志不清;外出用餐;外出午餐

rain check [rein tʃek] n. (比赛、演出等因雨取消时)可延期使用的票 [网络] 雨票;改天吧;改期

talent scout [ˈtælənt skaut] n. (歌唱、戏剧、体育运动等的)人才发掘者 [网络] 星探;伯乐;物色人才者

the clock [ ] [网络] 时钟;阿霞的挂钟;钟表

the distance [ ] [网络] 距离;远方;零距离

the front [ðə frʌnt] 前方

the front page [ ] [网络] 犯罪的都市;满城风雨;头版新闻

the kitchen [ ] 厨房

the neighborhood [ ] [网络] 邻里;街坊物语;左邻右舍咖啡屋

to celebrate [ ] [网络] 庆祝;庆贺;欢庆

to get wind of [ ] [网络] 获取新闻

went the distance [ ] 永不放弃;去向远方;继续跑完全程

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用